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Competitiveness Enhancement Project

عرض عام

لمحة على الإخطار

  • P089124

  • Competitiveness Enhancement Project

  • Moldova

  • OP00017033

  • Request for Expression of Interest

  • Published

  • CEP/CS/CQ/B-17

  • Consultant Qualification Selection

  • English

  • Aug 21, 2012

معلومات العقد

  • Project Implementation Unit

  • Aureliu Casian

  • 180, Stefan cel Mare Avenue, office 815, MD-2004, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

  • Chisinau

  • Moldova

  • Moldova

  • +37322296723






Sector:    General industry and trade sector 
JAPANESE GRANT FOR co-financing No. TF055175

Project ID Number: P089124

Expression of interests CEP/CS/CQ/B-17


This request for expressions of interest follows the General Procurement Notice for this project that appeared on-line in dgMarket on February 26, 2006 and in Development Business on February 27, 2006, as well as published in the Development Business printed version of March 16, 2006 (No. 674) and in the Экономическое Обозрение of March 10, 2006 (No. 9).


The Republic of Moldova has received financing from the International Development Association toward the cost of implementation of the Competitiveness Enhancement Project (CEP), and intends to apply part of the proceeds under the contract for Impact Assessment of the Matching Grants Facility and Line of Credit Components of CEP.

The main objective of this assignment is to assess the implementation of the CEP and to evaluate the impact of the project on the businesses in the areas connected to the CEP project' components. The goals of this assignment are as follows:

§  To determine the effects / impact on the beneficiaries of the Matching Grants ISO and Business Advisory components;

§  To determine the effects / impact on the beneficiaries of the Credit Line component;

§  To draw conclusions and recommendations for the effective subsequent implementation evaluating the current situation and the lessons gained during the implementation of the Project.


To achieve the assignment's objectives, the Consultant shall perform the following tasks:

- Under the Matching Grants ISO and Business Advisory Components the primary purpose of the exercise isto evaluate the impact on the beneficiaries against a "without project" counterfactual. The performance indicators should include, inter alia, the following:

1.   Dynamics of the company' turnover for the period 2006-2011;

2.   Shareof exports in the total sales figure, changes after the implementation of the ISO certification and/or business advisory services;

3.   Totalnumber of employees, sales per employee, etc.;

4.      Dynamics of productivity (sales/employee, NI/employee, sales/capital, sales/fixed assets, etc.).


Additionally, satisfaction of entrepreneurs with the services provided under the MGF should be assessed:

5.      Overall perception of the Beneficiaries on the quality level of service' providers;

6.      Beneficiaries interested in continuing maintaining relations with MGF for business advisory services;

7.   MGF Administrator's promptness in responsiveness in terms of interval between receipt of application forms and date of decision for acceptance and grant release;

- Under the Line of Credit component the primary purpose of the exercise is to evaluate the impact of thecredit line on the types of financing available to companies in Moldova, and through this, on companies' financial and operational performance.  The impact evaluation should examine loans for both investment and for working capital, and should evaluate the impact of the credit line against a without-project counterfactual. It should cover the following:

1.      What financial instruments were made available to companies in Moldova as a result of the credit line, and in which way(s) the credit line served aportion of the market that would not have been served otherwise, either with respect to the types of financing available to companies or the types of companies receiving financing. (This component of the evaluation should consider financial instruments available in the domestic market as well as other credit lines supported by donors);

2.      In which ways the credit line has been the most beneficial to companies (e.g.interest rate, tenor, collateral requirements, financing for investment or for working capital, etc.);

3.      How thecredit line has impacted companies' investment decisions, including type of investment, use of retained earnings vs. loans, and others;

4.      Implications of other credit conditions/issues, such as procurement rules, environmental assessment, interest rate (APR-based quotations), applicable fees (if any), repayment/grace periods;

5.      Beneficiaries' perception of CEP credit line towards SME development and export promotion, as well as advantages/disadvantages versus other credit lines from IFI's; and

6.      Throughthe types of financing that the credit line made available, how it impacted: (i) exports operations of the beneficiaries (share of exports in sales figure; export markets, products, and revenue); (ii) financial performance of the beneficiaries (ex. ROA; ROE; EBITDA and NI); (iii) firm and labor productivity (sales/employee, NI/employee, sales/capital, sales/fixed assets, etc.);

7.      Impediments that beneficiaries of the CEP credit line have had in the processof preparation of the loan application package, applying for and getting a loan;

8.      Identify impediments that beneficiaries of CEP credit lines has in the preparation of loan applications, applying for and getting a loan;

9.      PFIs promptness in responsiveness in terms of loan application analysis, decision on the approval of loan and its first date of disbursement vs. the date of loan application date;

10.  Implications of other credit conditions/issues, such as interest rate, repayment/grace periods, on the disbursement pace and beneficiaries perception of CEP credit line towards SME development and export promotion;

11.  Impact of the Credit Line on (i) exports operationsof the beneficiaries (share of exports in sales figure), (ii) financial performances of the beneficiaries (ex. ROA; ROE; EBITDA, etc.)

12.  To what extend the support from CEP has increased access to finance.

This assignment will require a Consultant – international or local company or a consortium of foreign and local companies, which has:

  • A minimum of 5 yearsof experience related to the assignment and demonstrated experience in conducting surveys and carrying out  impact evaluation studies;
  • Strong experience constructing counterfactuals for ex-post impact evaluations;
  • Capacity to undertake survey implementation, data entry / processing and analysis;
  • Experience working with the issues underlying the survey, i.e. principles of ISO
  • Experience in implementation of the donor- funded projects;
  • Has capacity to undertake survey implementation, data entry / processing and analysis;
  • Available staff withrelevant experience carrying out similar assignments, covering the areas of technical expertise listed above;
  • Has experience in implementation of the donors' funded projects


The Project Implementation Unit of the World Bank Competitiveness Enhancement Project now invites eligible consultant firms to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, CVs of the key staff to be involved in the assignment, etc.). Consultants may associate to enhance their qualifications. This Request for Expression of Interest will lead to the preparation of a Short List of consultants. For evaluation of the expressions of interest for this assignment, the following evaluation criteria will be applied by the Evaluation Committee:

·      Company experience related to the assignment, especially carrying out impact evaluation studies and developing reports; Strong experience constructing counterfactuals forex-post impact evaluations (50 points);

·      Company experience working with the issues underlying the study, i.e. principles of ISO, business development principles, granting conditions (25 points);

·      Company experience undertakingsurvey implementation, data entry / processing and analysis (10 points)

·      Competent available staff withrelevant experience carrying out similar assignments, covering the areas of technical expertise listed above (10 points);

·    Company successful experience with donor-funded projects of similar nature (5 points)


A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank's Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers, May 2004, Para. 3.7"Selection Based on Consultants' Qualification".


The assignment will require a level of effort of approximately 200 man/days in the period from October 2012 to January, 2013.

Interested consultants mayobtain further information at the address below during office hours from 09:00 to17:00 hours (Chisinau time).

Expressions of interest must be delivered to the address below or electronically not later than September 04, 2012.


Project Implementation Unit of the World Bank Competitiveness Enhancement Project 
180, Stefan cel Mare Avenue, office 815, MD-2004, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Tel/Fax:  + 373 22 296723; + 373 22 296724
